Caving Regions Photo Index

Caving Regions Photo Index

Are there any caves in Boston?

Yes, but mostly rock crevices, man made holes of various sizes, and boulder piles with small openings. Due to this lack of extensive of caves in the Greater Boston area, the Boston Grotto needs to travel widely to visit large caves. The nearest true solution caves are in the low grade marbles of far Western Massachusetts. There are numerous solution caves in Vermont, and some extensive boulder caves in New Hampshire. There are rumored to be a few solution caves in Maine, but Grotto members haven't visited them recently.

However, extensive solution caves can be found in several regions of New York, and extending down the spine of the Appalachian Mountains all the way to Alabama. Boston Grotto members have also caved in the central Kentucky region, extending up to Indiana. Occasional extended trips to visit caves in the western US, including New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Utah, South Dakota and the Northwest have also been made recently.

photo of cave distributions map Distribution of caves in the United States

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